


The right talent for your business

As one of the most highly educated countries in Europe, Scotland offers a strong output of world-class, 多语种的毕业生.

Thanks to the dynamic mix of academic and vocational qualifications, Scotland has successfully embedded cyber skills into the curriculum, resulting in a holistic approach to scaling up our talent pipeline. The result is a cost-competitive and tech-savvy labour pool that has the famous Scottish work ethic at its core.

为未来而教育 在网络安全方面

Although we have a wealth of existing digital talent, we’re already upskilling for the future; our students are already learning about topics such as data security, digital forensics and ethical hacking.

By educating our youngest minds, we are building a nation that has informed citizens, informed businesses and informed organisations who can make the most of digital technologies and manage risks safely.

Unique educational opportunities

Scotland is building a strong reputation on cyber research and training through our many universities which focus on cyber.

The number of students studying cyber security has doubled since 2015 with numbers going from just under 200 undergraduates in 2014 increasing to just below 400 undergraduates in 2019.

Scotland has the 3rd highest number of students studying cyber courses when compared to other parts of the UK as the table below demonstrates.


Scotland has the greatest density of universities in the world so there’s no shortage of talent to tap into.

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  01506 472 200

